Sameer was born in a poor family, he lost his father at an early stage of his life. Since Sameer’s the family was poverty-stricken, he was not able to complete his foremost education but our trust recognized his talent and decided to support him financially for his further studies.
Sameer cleared the SSC board exam with 94%. He pursued Diploma In Mechanical engineering in a government Poly technique college in Ratnagiri. He also completed Bachelors degree in Mechanical Engineering. Throughout Sameer’s this journey, our trust supported him thoroughly.

Kunda Baikar
Kunda Baikar, is a handicapped girl and was from an uneducated family. Her parents were not willing to give her any further education since she was unwanted to her family. Her parent believed in us and gave her responsibility to our trust. She completed her S.S.C. from our school. Through the financial help given to her from our trust she completed the diploma in tailoring & cutting. Kunda was a very thoughtful girl, she requested our trust to start a hostel for girls to reduce the dropout rate. She took the responsibility of the savitri girls hostel and became the rector at the hostel. Also, when the trust started the diploma courses of tailoring & cutting she became the instructor and around 150 girls completed this diploma because of her support.

Dinesh Advilkar
Dinesh Advilkar a workshop owner now, was born in poor family. When he was very young, lost his father. He is from economically backward family. Loksadhana supported him to pursue Diploma In Basic Rural Technology (D.B.R.T.) by guiding and financially supporting him throughout. Initially he also worked as an instructor in our Introduction To Basic Technology Course. After some years he started his own fabrication workshop “Dinesh Welding Works”. Today 20 – 25 subordinates are working in his workshop. These subordinates are mostly from male & surrounding villages. The turnover of his workshop is around Rs. 1.5 Crore.

Once Dr. Dandekar happened to visit our school, and decided to visit classes and have a talk with the children, while chatting Dr. Dandekar asked a question , “ What do you want to become in future ?” One of girls stood & said, “ I want to be a nurse I have to do a career in nursing & need your help”.
In the previous year Renu Dandekar had received ‘ Baya Karve Puraskar’ . At the same time Dandekar madam requested them to not give an award to her but give admission to two girls in the field of their interest. She said educating this girl and help her fulfil her dreams is more important than receiving an award/puraskar. Tejashri was then admitted in the institute of Maharshi Karve women’s Education. She cleared the nursing course with good marks & joined Deenanath hospital as a nurse. After a few days she joined Reliance hospital at Bombay. Now she working as a nurse in rural hospital at Dapoli. Today she says, ‘ If our Institution was to start any hospital in village, I would be more than happy to join there as a nurse”.

Mandar was working as a sweeper boy at Bombay . His Father was working in a small hotel at Dapoli. His mother was working on daily wages. They were very poor and so he could not take any further education. One day he left his job as sweeper boy came to Dr.Dandekar’s house. Asking for help, Dr.Dandekar sent him to his friends, with their help he was admitted in Thana school of Art. The course was for five years, our trust supported him financially. He was then admitted in Raheja school of Art at Bandra with the help of the principal.
Mandar was and is truly a born artist.

On that day Dr. Dandekar was surprised to see Deepa on one of the channels of the Indian television. Dr. congratulated her on through phone, we are proud of you, Dr.dandekar said, I am extremely happy to see you children doing excellent in various fields. Deepa completed B.Sc. in Zoology at pune. After that she changed her directions & got degree Master in journalism & mass communication. She joined one news channel at pune and for six months she did her job in one of the newspapers company. In the end she left her job & came to village to study of social problems in kokan area. She was married to a higher educated person.